
Druid OBOD Seed Group




We meet at one of our sites London or Italy for the eight celebrations of the wheel of the year and also hold occasional other meetings for the moon phases - full and new moon and to mark special events.


Please contact us if you wish to attend a meeting - the programme below is subject to occasional change.

samhaindawn  Samhain 2023 -  Italia - Ca' Gitana 
alban arthan  Alban Arthan - WInter Solstice 2023 - Cottage London 
snowdrops  Imbolc 2024 - Cottage 
daffodils  Alban Eilir 2024 - Spring Equinox - Cottage
mayblossom  Beltane 2024 - Italia - Ca'Gitana 
hail solstice dawn  Alban Hefin 2024- Summer Solstice - Cottage 
lughnasadh bales  Lughnasadh 2024 - Italia - Ca'Gitana 
water fish  Alban Elfed - Autumn Equinox - Italia  
  Samhain 2024 TBC 
  Alban Arthan 2024 TBC 
  Imbolc 2025 TBC 
  Alban EIlir  2025 BC 
  Beltane 2025 - Italia Ca'Gitana * Special Event 



Please enquire if you are interested in joining any of the sessions in person  or on line and do let us know of any other special interests you may have.